Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Letting My Pictures Do the Blogging

As promised, a few of the pictures I took on my first days here:

The view from the window of my fourth-floor apartment. The running track is convenient, but it's been so hot that I've been using it after 10 at night.

Classroom Building Number One, where I'll be holding all my classes, viewed from across one of the campus's three lakes. (Note the speaker in the foreground.)

Some of the dozen or so dormitories, across the lake from the classroom building.

The South China Sea, across from the campus's Main Gate.

The banquet at Mr. Jeung's restaurant on my second day here. From left, that's Mr. Jeung, Professor Sun of the Foreign Language Department, me, and Mrs. Jeung.

A portion of the meal, which was mostly Cantonese, including three or four kinds of wonderful dumplings and cogngee (in the foreground). The whole steamed fish came later.

1 comment:

carolyn said...

Wow, looks it looks like a lovely place to spend a couple of months, despite the wake-up music.
Keep the photos coming.